
Alternative & Puppet Theatre Project 2000

2nd Workshop & Final Presentation


Alternative & Puppet Theatre Project 2000 Japan invites
Mr. Petr Matasek of Theatre DRAK, Czech, to have workshops
in Theatre X (cai) in Tokyo, within the theatre space with
full equipments. The workshops are open to observers.
Mr. Matasek received the theme HEAVENLY FOREST from
works by Kenji Miyazawa, a renowned Japanese writer.
This is a trial of examining objects, transforming their
shapes and meanings, in order to gaze at the mentality
inspired by Kenji and at the reality of our world.
In the 2nd workshop, the ideas collected in the 1st workshop
will be further developed to pursuit visual potentials of
Alternative & Puppet Theatre, and final presentation will be
at the end of the workshop session.

2nd Workshop - open days


November 2 - 3
November 5 - 8
November 10 - 14
(Nov.3, 8 & 14 will be an epoch.)
14:00 - 19:00 (reception open at 13:30)
Place: Theatre X (cai)
Admission: 1000yen (supporting members - free)


Final Presentation


inspired by Kenji Miyazawa

November 16 -17
18:30 (reception open at 18:00)
Place: Theatre X (cai)
Admission: 2000yen
(supporting members - free)

6th Seminar

November 20
13:00 - 17:00
Place: Gallery X (cai)
Admission: 2000yen
(supporting members - free)

a part of The Czech Arts Festival
supported by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture

Theatre X (cai)
Supported by:
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Japan
Japan-Czech Society
NIHON-UNIMA (Union Internationale de la Marionnette, Japan Center)
Foundation Modern Puppet Center

GO MENU(English)

Alternative & Puppet Theatre Project 2000 Office